Resources: 5.5 Strategies for Prosecutors and Law Enforcement

Prosecution and Law Enforcement Strategies

  • AEquitas Library AEquitas publishes the STRATEGIES newsletter and monographs on complex topic areas, emerging issues, and promising practices related to the prosecution of violence against women cases. AEquitas staff also regularly contribute to other publications. Additionally, AEquitas develops and maintains resources including statutory compilations; case law digests; and sample motions, briefs, protocols, and predicate questions.
  • Human Trafficking and RICO: A New Prosecutorial Hammer in the War on Modern Day Slavery (2011) [PDF 191KB] Written by Kendal Nicole Smith, this Comment explores the use of RICO as a means of prosecuting human trafficking in the United States. Part I defines human trafficking and surveys its scope within the United States as it exists today by explaining the differences between trafficking and smuggling and by emphasizing the international nature of the problem. Part II examines the development of current trafficking legislation, culminating in the TVPA and its subsequent amendments.