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Publication Date: January 2010
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How Do I Find One?
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How Do I Find One?

What To Include in a Job Announcement

The evaluator job announcement should include an overview of your project, the roles and responsibilities of the evaluator, a suggested timeline for completing the work, estimated budget information, identification of preferred skills, and a request for information about the applicant’s background and education. If possible, the hiring committee should prepare the job announcement, but all your initiative’s key partners should review and agree to it. A sample job announcement is provided in exhibit 4.

Exhibit 4
Sample Job Announcement
Overview of Project: [Name of organization] is interested in hiring a program evaluator to lead the development and administration of an overall evaluation plan that includes a needs assessment of the local community and an evaluation of the program.

Evaluator Roles and Responsibilities: The evaluator is primarily tasked with developing the overall evaluation plan and carrying out the evaluation goals within [period of time].

Timeline: The evaluator will have [number of months, years] to complete all evaluation requirements. Interested applicants must submit commitments of individuals, broken down into assigned tasks and timelines (i.e., a “level of effort” chart).

Budget Information: [Name of organization] has [funding amount] to be used for the development and administration of the overall evaluation plan. This funding will be spread over [number of months, years]. Applicants must submit an estimated budget for completion of evaluation tasks.

Preferred Skills: Eligible applicants must possess skills in basic evaluation and specialized competencies in evaluating comprehensive initiatives and programs serving [targeted population].

Background/Education: Interested applicants should submit résumés of the lead evaluator and key staff along with a brief biographical summary of relevant experience (e.g., working with comprehensive initiatives and diverse cultural and ethnic populations).

Submit complete applications along with references and examples of relevant work to [name of contact person] by [due date] at [address of the organization].

After the application deadline has passed, the hiring committee will review the applications and select applicants to interview for the job. (Use appendix B (PDF 23.1 KB) as a tool to help you select and interview candidates.) After the committee selects a candidate for the job, it should solicit feedback from all partners. The committee may need to schedule followup interviews to assess the personal style and characteristics of the candidate to ensure that the evaluator who is hired is acceptable to program staff, administrators, and key stakeholders. You should interview more than one applicant in case your first choice is unavailable or does not accept your offer.

Once an offer is accepted, engage the evaluator as soon as possible in planning the needs assessment and/or evaluation. If you have already developed a plan, review the document with the local evaluator and identify any changes needed. After you finalize this plan, you and your evaluator can proceed with implementing your plan.