Time Required: 2.5 hours
This unit introduces many concepts that are essential to understanding the core curriculum: Who is a “victim”? What are “secondary” victims? What are the core victims' rights? What is a “ripple effect”?
Each unit uses varied learning strategies, including—
Rights of Offenders versus Rights of Victims Activity (20 minutes)
Crime Clock Activity (20 minutes)
Defining Who Is a Victim (10 minutes)
Who Is Harmed? The Ripple Effect (30 minutes)
How Are People Harmed? Areas of Impact (30 minutes)
“I Am Not a Victim” Activity (15 minutes)
After the Crime (10 minutes)
Review (15 minutes)
Define primary and secondary victims.
Discuss victims' rights.
Have participants understand how the effects of crime ripple throughout a community.
Discuss “areas of impact.”
Unit-Specific Downloads
To download files, right click on the file and select "save target as."
Training Manuals
Facilitator Manual (Unit 2) (PDF, 280 KB)
Participant Workbook (Unit 2) (PDF, 388 KB)
*PDFs of the full curriculum are in the Presenter's Toolbox.
Appendix B (Crime Clock Activity) (PDF, 48.8 KB)
Appendix C ("I Am Not a Victim" Activity) (PDF, 46.3 KB)
Video clips for the full curriculum are in the Presenter's Toolbox.
Read the trainer's materials included on the unit pages well before presenting the course to your audience; these materials contain preparation instructions essential to an effective training.
Create a folder for Victim Impact: Listen and Learn on your computer and download all the files you'll need in that folder rather than using the Victim Impact: Listen and Learn Web site during the training. To download files, right click on the file and select "save target as."