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If you are unsure which training option best fits your organization's training needs, please call 1–866–682–8822 and ask to speak with an OVC TTAC TTA Specialist.

You can also email OVC TTAC at to schedule a phone call to discuss your interest in training and technical assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions About IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

What is IACET?

The International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is internationally recognized for developing and maintaining continuing education and training standards that reflect best practices in adult learning and professional development. IACET's mission is to advance the global workforce by providing a standard framework for quality learning and development through accreditation. IACET is located at 2201 Cooperative Way, Ste. 600, Herndon, VA 20171 and can be contacted at 703–763–0705 or

OVC TTAC, through ICF, has been designated an Accredited Provider by IACET. As an Accredited Provider, OVC TTAC has demonstrated that it has successfully mastered IACET's rigorous accreditation process and designs and delivers quality training. As a result, OVC TTAC is authorized to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for its trainings that qualify under the IACET Standard.

IACET CEUs are recognized by learners, instructors, and employers worldwide and can only be awarded by IACET Accredited Providers.

How can I use IACET CEUs?

Many colleges, universities, and professional associations accept IACET CEUs. Some participants have included their IACET CEU certificates in their professional portfolio to showcase the quality training they have completed. Please note: Acceptance of IACET CEUs is not guaranteed. The decision to accept IACET CEUs remains at the discretion of the organization. Please contact the organization or association directly to determine whether it accepts IACET CEUs.

How are the number of IACET CEUs determined for each training?

One IACET CEU is awarded for 10 contact hours of training. The IACET CEU certificate that participants receive when they complete a training includes the formula that OVC TTAC uses to calculate the number of IACET CEUs awarded for that training.

Some organizations and associations award Continuing Education Credits where one credit is awarded per contact hour. IACET CEUs are not the same as Continuing Education Credits.

Are IACET CEUs offered for completing this training?

Yes, IACET CEUs will be offered for full participation and completion of all training requirements.

What requirements do I need to complete to receive IACET CEUs?

There will be specific requirements to receive IACET CEUs for each training. You will be notified of these requirements before the training begins.

What kinds of training evaluations will I be asked to complete?

You will be asked to complete evaluation materials before, during, and after the training.

  1. Pre-Assessment. The Pre-Assessment generally takes about 10 minutes to complete. The answers you provide help us understand your knowledge base as you begin the training. You will receive information about completing the Pre-Assessment a few weeks before the training begins.
  2. Training Feedback. This is completed following each webinar or at the end of the onsite training. Each feedback form generally takes about 5 minutes to complete and helps us determine how successful we have been in the design and delivery of the training.
  3. Post-Assessment. The Post-Assessment assesses gains in new knowledge after completing the training. Information about completing the Post-Assessment will be emailed to you a week following the training. When you receive the email from OVC TTAC, you will have 2 weeks to complete the Post-Assessment.

The evaluation feedback that you provide is very important. It is used by the Evaluation and Learning and Development Teams to make changes to enhance and improve future trainings.

When will I get my IACET CEU certificate?

You will receive your IACET CEU certificate not more than 20 business days after completing the Post-Assessment.

Who has access to my training records?

Your records are maintained in a password-protected database. Only OVC TTAC staff who are responsible for inputting information, maintaining the database, and releasing records have access to the information in your records.

What do I do if I lose my IACET CEU certificate?

If you need a replacement IACET CEU certificate, submit your request in writing to OVC TTAC staff will not release a copy of your records to anyone other than you.

If you have any questions about IACET CEUs, contact

What is capacity building?

Capacity building refers to the process of identifying the internal and external barriers that inhibit victim services organizations, allied professionals, or individual providers from delivering effective services to all crime victims, and building on existing strengths, enhancing skills, and providing new tools to overcome those barriers. TTA specialists will conduct a thorough needs assessment to maximize the use of OVC's resources to build capacity.

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Got Questions?

Phone: 1–866–OVC–TTAC
TTY: 1–866–682–8880