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OVC TTAC: 1. Getting Started
1. Getting Started
Image of clock.
Time Required: 2.5 hours

During “Getting Started,” introduce yourself and ask participants to do the same. Solicit their thoughts and feelings about beginning this program. Find out what participants hope to gain from the program.

This unit provides an overview of the Victim Impact Curriculum, explains adult-oriented learning strategies, and discusses the curriculum objectives and ground rules for participating. Describe what participants can expect during the training and discuss the terms that will be used.

Then have participants read and sign the class contract and administer the Pre-/Post-Test.


Each unit uses varied learning strategies, including—

  • Discussions

  • Readings in the Participant Workbook

  • Video clips

  • Group activities

  • Victim speakers

  • Homework


  • Present an overview of the program.

  • Ensure that participants understand their responsibility for learning.

  • Understand participants' preconceptions about victim impact and what they think they will learn in this program.

Unit-Specific Downloads

To download files, right click on the file and select "save target as."

Training Manuals

*PDFs of the full curriculum are in the Presenter's Toolbox.


Video clips for the full curriculum are in the Presenter's Toolbox.


Read the trainer's materials included on the unit pages well before presenting the course to your audience; these materials contain preparation instructions essential to an effective training.


Create a folder for Victim Impact: Listen and Learn on your computer and download all the files you'll need in that folder rather than using the Victim Impact: Listen and Learn Web site during the training. To download files, right click on the file and select "save target as."