Welcome to the Resource Library, a searchable collection of materials that you can use for your organizational development and training needs. Inside you will find tools, promotional items, reference materials, and more.
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Change Preference Survey (PDF, 38 KB)
This worksheet tasks program managers to fill out a checklist concerning their attitudes toward changes in work and projects over a long period. The check marks are then scored and explained. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning |
Clients Analysis Checklist (PDF, 20 KB)
This checklist is used to identify clients and their interests and to assess the impact of a strategic planning project on each client group and the level of client participation in the plan. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Assessment |
Data Collection Tools (PDF, 34 KB)
This tool discusses the characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of seven essential tools for data collection. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Data Collection, Evaluation, Assessment |
Developing a Strategic Plan Marketing Strategy (PDF, 16 KB)
In this activity, five groups are formed and each is given different scenarios to develop a marketing strategy by listing the main audience, the main ideas, possible communication methods, the timeline, and the management structure of the plan. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Marketing |
Preplanning Readiness Checklist (PDF, 19 KB)
The document serves as a tool for program managers to assess their organization’s readiness before delving into a project to meet current and future client needs. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning |
Sample Strategic Plan Formats (PDF, 23 KB)
This document lists four sample strategic plans as models for program managers to create their own. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning |
Stakeholder Information Delivery Range (PDF, 33 KB)
This document discusses the varying effectiveness of delivery methods. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Stakeholders, Partners |
Stakeholders Analysis Checklist (PDF, 22 KB)
This document outlines five essential steps to assess the role of stakeholders in an organization. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Stakeholders, Partners |
SWOT Checklist: Strengths and Weaknesses (PDF, 35 KB)
Covering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization, this document and worksheet allows program managers to assess multiple components of their organizations. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Self-Assess |
Values (PDF, 16 KB)
This document and worksheet lists 20 common values and leaves room for program managers to assess their organization’s values and behaviors. Search Terms: Strategic Planning, Organizational Growth, Strategic Planning, Values |
Glossary of Strategic Planning Terms (PDF, 52 KB)
This document provides definitions of strategic planning terms. Search Terms: Strategic Planning |