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Creating Inclusive Spaces for Supporting Transgender Survivors of Human TraffickingDate: August 10, 2021Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar features subject matter experts who share practical guidance and insights on how to create inclusive environments, practices and policies that support transgender survivors of human trafficking. The subject matter experts touch upon factors that contribute to increased risk of victimization for individuals who are transgender, inclusive language and terminology within service provision, and the process of creating and maintain inclusive environments. Materials:
Voluntary Services Webinar for OVC Human Trafficking GranteesDate: December 3, 2020Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This important webinar will provide OVC human trafficking grantees with foundational information regarding the voluntary services approach and effective practices in ensuring client agency and choice in service delivery. The voluntary services approach is based on the notion that participation in services should be voluntary and not a condition of housing or receiving other services. Materials:
Human Trafficking Screening Processes and Best Practices: Part TwoDate: September 15, 2020Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar will provide insight and guidance on best practice examples on the process of screening for human trafficking victims. It will also touch on innovative strategies to implement trauma-informed screening practices into human trafficking programming. Materials:
A Deep Dive Into Current Program EvaluationDate: June 16, 2020Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar will provide insight and guidance for navigating data collection and program evaluation efforts for human trafficking programs. It will also touch on innovative and evidence-based strategies for implementing trauma-informed program evaluation practices. Materials:
Coordinating Multi-Victim Human Trafficking Cases: Building Partnerships, Confidentiality, and Providing Individualized ServicesDate: February 18, 2020Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar will provide insights and guidance for how to navigate working with multiple survivors involved in the same case. It will touch on possible conflicts of interest, disclosures, record keeping, and recommendations for building networks and strategic planning. Materials:
A Practical Guide for Survivor-Informed Services with OVC Human Trafficking Fellow, Kristy ChoDate: September 17, 2019Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar reviews materials developed by OVC Human Trafficking Fellow, Kristy Cho on providing survivor-informed services. Participants will learn more about the developed framework, discuss principles of survivor engagement and explore practical ways for organizations to take steps to be survivor-informed. Materials:
Fellowships & Career Development for Survivors of CrimeDate: September 5, 2019Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar, supported by the Senior Policy Operating Group (SPOG) Victim Services Committee, focuses on an overview of fellowships and professional development opportunities for survivors of crime. Materials:
Report Out and Q&A with OVC Human Trafficking Task Force Fellow, Erin AlbrightDate: August 27, 2019Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar summarizes the work of OVC Human Trafficking Task Force Fellow, Erin Albright. Participants will hear key elements of a successful collaborative task force, better identify and discuss existing challenges and solutions for victim-centered responses, and recognize existing barriers to developing a strong response to labor trafficking. Materials:
How To Repair Broken Partnerships: Reframing and Repairing When Things Go WrongDate: June 18, 2019Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar focuses on facilitating hard conversations with collaborative partners, identifies considerations in planning for and mitigating professional fallout through standardized operating procedures and protocols, and reframes success and push for reconciliation within multidisciplinary and inter- and intra-organizational conflict as it arises. Materials:
Human Trafficking Screening Processes and Best PracticesDate: April 16, 2019Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar explores promising practices for human trafficking screening processes across various service provider settings, identifies policies and procedures needed to adapt effective screening tools and processes, and discusses resources that may benefit your organization’s approach to screening potential victims of human trafficking. Materials:
The Impact of Human Trafficking in Native and Tribal CommunitiesDate: July 17, 2018Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar, featuring Nicole Matthews, Executive Director, Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition, and Em Loerzel, MSW, Project Beacon Program Manager, American Indian Center of Chicago provided an overview of human trafficking in Indian country and urban population centers, discussing what sex and labor trafficking look like for the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population, and the culturally appropriate resources available to better serve victims. It also included approaches for “mainstream” responders and service providers to identify and outreach to, largely invisible, AI/AN victims and work with urban AI/AN organizations to engage victims and provide services. Materials:
The Role, Responsibility, and Requirements of Law Enforcement: Building Victim-Centered ApproachesDate: June 19, 2018Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar, moderated by OVC Fellow, Erin Albright, and featuring Sergeant Michael Crumrine from the Austin Police Department, Resident Agent in Charge Michael Posanka from HSI Manchester with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Chief of Police Kenneth Shultz from High Point Police Department, provides an opportunity to hear different perspectives from law enforcement about initiatives and strategies relevant to supporting victims of human trafficking, including accounts and successes in shifting personal-, agency-, and community- mindsets towards victim-centered approaches in policing. This webinar explores strategies and opportunities for strengthening and sustaining relationships between law enforcement, victim service providers, and their communities. Materials:
Family ReunificationDate: May 15, 2018Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This webinar, featuring Hilary Chester from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services, Alison M. Iannarone and Sarah Jones from Covenant House New Jersey, and Shannon Traore from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Youth, discusses the approaches, successes and challenges of family reunification for victims and survivors of human trafficking. It considers how family dynamics, trauma, and service provision for both foreign nationals and U.S. citizens impacts permanency outcomes. Materials:
Labor Trafficking: Improving Victim IdentificationDate: November 14, 2017Length: 1.5 hours Summary: The session features Esther Del Toro Oliver from Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor; Colleen Owens from the Justice Policy Center, Urban Institute and John Jay College of Criminal Justice; and Meredith Rapkin from Friends of Farmworkers. Participants learned strategies for improving outreach to hard-to-reach populations that are vulnerable to labor trafficking, and for building long-term, collaborative relationships with community based organizations and nontraditional investigative partners. Materials:
Language AccessDate: September 19, 2017Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This session, moderated by OVC Fellow, Tuyet Duong, and featuring Yazmeen Hamza from WomanKind, Eria Myers from Pacific Asian Counseling Services and David Steib from Ayuda, discusses the role language access plays in providing appropriate and competent services for victims of human trafficking who are deaf, hard of hearing, or those who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Participants gain information on the importance of language access in identifying and serving victims, and identify tools and program models that address the systemic barriers facing survivors of human trafficking who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or LEP. Materials:
Financial Stability and Economic EmpowermentDate: August 15, 2017Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This session, featuring Sarah E. Hayes and Taylor Loomis from Sanctuary for Families, discusses how two key programs at Sanctuary for Families, the Economic Empowerment Program and the Anti-Trafficking Initiative, have come together to ensure the short- and long-term success of the clients they serve. Participants gain information on understanding and addressing the barriers to financial stability and economic empowerment faced by victims of human trafficking in a client-driven manner. Materials:
LGBT ServicesDate: June 20, 2017Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This session features Nadia Swanson, LMSW, Coordinator of Training and Advocacy at the Ali Forney Center and Melissa Brockie, MSW, New Day Center Director at UMOM. Participants gain information on how to incorporate best practices and strategies for meeting the needs of LGBT clients, ensuring safety and confidentiality while building community partnerships to better serve this population. Materials:
Building Relationships With Medical Service ProvidersDate: March 21, 2017Length: 1.5 hours Summary: In this session, grantees gain information on how relationships with medical professionals and health care systems can support the delivery of comprehensive, trauma-informed, and survivor-centered services. This session features two speakers from the Utah Trafficking in Persons Task Force, Corey, J. Rood, M.D., F.A.A.P., Child Abuse Pediatrician, Center for Safe and Healthy Families, University of Utah Primary Children's Hospital and Elizabeth Hendrix, M.S.W., Trafficking in Persons Program Director, Asian Association of Utah. Materials:
Needs of Male VictimsDate: February 21, 2017Length: 1.5 hours Summary: This session provides grantees with information on strategies for supporting the needs of male victims through their programs. Speakers include Marq D. Taylor, President and Founder, The B.U.D.D.Y. House; Liz Chacko, Deputy Director, Friends of Farmworkers; Corinne Guest, Therapist and Program Coordinator, La Puerta Abierta; and Kathleen Thomas, Clinical Training Coordinator, Project LIFE, North County Lifeline. Materials:
Addressing Substance Use Disorders Amongst Human Trafficking SurvivorsDate: September 29, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: This session explores the effects of substance use as a coping tool, service barrier, and mechanism of control experienced by survivors of human trafficking. Participants learn practical skills to better provide trauma informed services including advocacy, safety planning, documentation, referral, and program accommodation. The webinar features a presentation by Kendra Harding, Program Coordinator with New Options for Women, a program of Lifeworks NW in Portland, Oregon. Materials:
Leveraging Strategic Partnerships To Improve Housing Access for Trafficking SurvivorsDate: August 18, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: The session highlights how some agencies have forged creative and strategic partnerships with hotel brands, local public housing authorities, and federal agencies to streamline and expand access to emergency and long term shelter resources on behalf of trafficking survivors. This webinar features presentations from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC), and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), about plans for an upcoming pilot program in Chicago, IL which will designate up to 60 vouchers for survivors of trafficking to access housing in the private market. Materials:
Human Trafficking Case Study: United States v. AlaboudiDate: July 21, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: Three members of the team that worked toward the prosecution and conviction of Mohammad Sharif Alaboudi in 2013 discuss their involvement in the case. The session highlights the complex vulnerabilities associated with trafficking of native minor and adult victims, and evaluates cross-disciplinary collaborative efforts. Speakers identify lessons learned from the case study that contributed to a successful conviction and to diverse short and long term outcomes for survivors. Materials:
Engaging Volunteers and Interns: How Anti-Trafficking Programs Can Grow and Sustain Volunteer ProgramsDate: May 19, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on best practices for training and engaging volunteers for their human trafficking programs. Materials:
Continuum of Labor Exploitation: Wage Theft, Fraud in Foreign Labor Contracting and Human TraffickingDate: April 21, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on understanding the continuum of work place exploitation from labor trafficking to wage theft and the role of the Department of Labor in investigating workplace crimes. Materials:
Case Study on CollaborationDate: February 18, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on how multidisciplinary, long-term collaboration is vital to uncovering hidden human trafficking cases, how various disciplines may have competing interests and pressures and can still collaborate, and how task forces can consider a broad definition of success as defined by the survivor. Materials:
Program EvaluationDate: January 21, 2016Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on the different methods of program evaluation, ways for constructing surveys relevant to human trafficking, and analyzing feedback from clients. Please note that TIMS Online is an internal database for the Office for Victims of Crime that is only used by OVC Human Trafficking Program Grantees. Materials:
Labor Trafficking – Research to PracticeDate: November 19, 2015Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on the findings in San Diego State University's recent report on labor trafficking. Materials:
Vacatur and Criminal Record ExpungementDate: September 17, 2015Length: 1 hour Summary: The session highlights why victims of human trafficking need post-conviction relief, Vacatur law and other post-conviction relief, and important considerations for post-conviction legal work on behalf of trafficked clients. Materials:
Survivor Informed ProgrammingDate: August 20, 2015Length: 1 hour Summary: This session highlights what is survivor informed programming, how to utilize survivor informed practices in organization programming and how to integrate these practices in case management during a client intake, and short-term and long-term service provision. Materials:
Sex Trafficking Case Study: Pimp-Controlled Trafficking of MinorsDate: July 30, 2015Length: 1 hour Summary: This session guides participants through a domestic servitude labor trafficking case study. The session highlights strategies in identifying and building a victim-centered sex trafficking case involving victims who are minors, how law enforcement, the prosecutor, and child protection entity can coordinate and collaborate throughout a case, challenges and strengths in coordinating and collaborating, how the Illinois safe harbor law come into play in the case, who were the players involved, what challenges did law enforcement face regarding jurisdiction, and the state and federal collaboration on the investigation of the case. Note: Due to a technical glitch, the first 15 minutes of the presentation was not recorded. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please refer to the PowerPoint file for slides from the missing portion of the presentation. Materials:
The Path to Self-Sufficiency: Innovative Partnerships to Assist Human Trafficking Victims in Obtaining EmploymentDate: May 14, 2015Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on what is the Public Workforce System and the resources available through its One Stop Career Centers, tips on how to navigate the Public Workforce System and its One Stop Career Centers on behalf of survivors, and special programs and opportunities for minors and foreign nationals through the Public Workforce System. Materials:
Civil Legal Remedies and Criminal Restitution for Human Trafficking VictimsDate: February 19, 2015Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focusses on what civil legal remedies are available to human trafficking survivors through state and federal laws, criminal restitution available at the federal level and tips on how to advocate for these types of remedies. Materials:
Shelter and Housing Options for Human Trafficking VictimsDate: September 18, 2014Length: 1 hour Summary: This session highlights challenges in obtaining shelter and housing for human trafficking victims and how to address those challenges, how to get creative in addressing housing options, types of non-traditional partnerships, and different considerations in responding to victims in rural, suburban and urban settings. Materials:
Labor Trafficking Case Study: Domestic ServitudeDate: August 21, 2014Length: 1 hour Summary: The session highlights strategies in identifying and building a labor trafficking case, similarities and differences in collaborating between law enforcement and victim service providers in a sex trafficking case vs. labor trafficking case, working with foreign national vs. U.S. citizen survivors, and challenges faced when bringing a labor trafficking case to a prosecutor. Materials:
An Overview of the T and U Visa ProcessDate: July 17, 2014Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on the eligibility requirements for a T and U Visa, key differences, necessary documents and evidence required in a T and U Visa application, and when and how to coordinate with law enforcement and prosecutors in the T and U Visa process. Materials:
Delivering Victim Services to Human Trafficking Survivors: Confidentiality and Privilege IssuesDate: June 19, 2014Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on confidentiality and privilege issues that need to be considered from a case manager, social worker, and attorney's perspective in serving survivors, how to talk to clients about those issues, common case management and victim service challenges surrounding confidentially and privilege, and strategies to address them. Materials:
How to Identify and Communicate with Human Trafficking Victims with an Intellectual and/or Developmental DisabilityDate: April 17, 2014Length: 1 hour Summary: This session focuses on how to identify a human trafficking victim with an intellectual and/or developmental disability (I/DD), how to talk to clients about those issues, common case management and victim service challenges surrounding confidentially and privilege and strategies to address them, tips for communicating with a human trafficking victim with an I/DD, and resources to utilize when working with a human trafficking victim with an I/DD. Materials: