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Specific Considerations for Providing Victim Services

H.O.P.E.: Suicide Prevention for Crime Victims

Date: September 28, 2020Length: 2 hours


The webinar provides an overview of the importance of suicide prevention activities within victim services and introduces the EDC H.O.P.E. handbook as an important resource for advocates, including a guide designed specifically for those working in tribal communities. The webinar offers tools to prepare crime victim advocates to identify victims who are exhibiting symptoms of suicidality, provide a brief intervention and referral to clinical mental health services, and provide ongoing support to victims.


Building Bridges Between Elder Justice Professionals and VOCA Administrators

Date: May 27, 2015Length: 1 hour


This session addresses how to build bridges between elder justice professionals and VOCA administrators, how these two groups of professionals benefit from knowing more about one other, and how those in the elder justice field may be able to access VOCA funds for their programs and to seek collaborative opportunities.


Results of OVC's Needs Assessment: Financial Fraud, Financial Exploitation, Elder Abuse, and Polyvictimization

Date: April 15, 2015Length: 1 hour


This session addresses the results of OVC's Needs Assessment: Financial Fraud, Financial Exploitation, Elder Abuse, and Polyvictimization, offers a forum to compare information from different states, and provides an opportunity to discuss the impact of the findings with VOCA administrators.


The Ripple Effect of Crime: Coordinating a Collaborative Response to Victimization in Tribal Communities

Date: February 13, 2014Length: 1.5 hours


In working with crime victims, a collaborative response can expand services, create partnerships, and improve response to victims. In tribal communities, some service providers may be outside the tribe, but could be important to include on your team. Providing responses to crime victims that are culturally appropriate in tribal communities plays a significant part in healing and moving people forward after victimization. The goal of this Webinar is to assist tribal communities in building collaborations that address the needs of crime victims. This Webinar highlights different types of collaboration, ways to deal with change and challenges, the benefits of collaboration, and how to recognize cultural differences.


  • Summarize and define the different types and levels of collaboration.
  • Provide simple rules to be a team player and to identify the gifts of collaboration.
  • Give examples of tribal community collaborative activities that include a cultural emphasis.
  • Describe the six process factors in building collaborations and identify some challenges in building collaborations.

Note: Due to a technical glitch the audio was not recorded. We are looking into conducting the same presentation in the future.


Faith and Community Based Approaches to Victim Services

Date: November 15, 2012Length: 1 hour


This Webinar is intended to increase participants' knowledge of the trauma and dysfunction associated with violence and violent crime occurring in homes and throughout communities. Panelists showcase programs that demonstrate innovative approaches to delivering victim services. The Webinar focuses on best practices in working with youth, adults, and families who have been victims of violent acts and the rebuilding process that takes place after surviving such experiences.
