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Campus Sexual Assault

Title IX Live Chat

Date: August 23, 2016Length: 1.5 hours


In this session, the Victim Rights Law Center answers questions regarding the Campus Safety Planning, Schedule Mapping, and other Title IX issues.


Campus Safety Planning: Remedial Measures, Schedule Mapping, and No Contact Orders

Date: August 16, 2016Length: 1.5 hours


Whether it is a single incident or an ongoing pattern of abuse, sexual assault can undermine a victim's physical and emotional safety. Effective safety plans empower victims and can help them reclaim a sense of safety and security. No Contact Orders (NCOs) can be a key piece of a survivor's safety plan and, when implemented and enforced in conjunction with schedule mapping, are invaluable tools. This session addresses the unique challenges of creating a safety plan that meets the specific needs of victims in a campus environment, explores how safety planning for sexual violence can be different than safety planning for domestic violence, and discusses strategies for protecting victim privacy and safety.


Negotiating Safety and Remedial Measures in Campus Sexual Assault Cases

Date: June 28, 2016Length: 1.5 hours


Title IX requires that "upon notice of gender-based harassment that creates a hostile environment, an institution must take immediate action to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects." In order to remedy the hostile environment, campuses should provide safety and remedial measures and the option to participate in their resolution/conduct process. This session provides detailed, practical tips on where to begin with a new campus case, how to assist a survivor with obtaining the safety and remedial measures they need, and how to assist a survivor throughout all stages of the resolution process.


Title IX and Clery Act Live Chat

Date: May 12, 2016Length: 1.5 hours


This session focuses on a facilitated discussion with the Victim Rights Law Center and the Clery Center for Security on Campus about victims of campus sexual assault.


Understanding the Clery Act

Date: April 18, 2016Length: 1.5 hours


Requirements under the federal Clery Act provide a foundation for an institution's campus safety and security policies. The Act offers critical rights and options to survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. This session provides an overview of the Clery Act's requirements and how the Act influences on- and off-campus response and resources.


Title IX and Clery Act Intersections

Date: April 4, 2016Length: 1.5 hours


Two federal laws—the Jeanne Clery Act and Title IX—influence campus prevention and response to sexual violence. This webinar highlights how the laws intersect regarding requirements, resources, and options available to campus survivors.


Title IX Live Chat

Date: August 18, 2015Length: 1.5 hours


This session focuses on a facilitated discussion with the Victim Rights Law Center about safety planning and/or legal representation for victims of campus sexual assault.


Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault

Date: July 21, 2015Length: 1.5 hours


Civil legal advocacy and representation are critical needs for campus sexual assault victims who report violence to their institutions. After completing this webinar, participants will be able to identify some of the unique issues campus victims of sexual assault face and better understand what lawyers can do to access civil remedies to promote healing and recovery. This webinar addresses victims' rights and remedies related to their rights under Title IX, including safety, accommodation, and judicial process; and discusses eligibility and strategies for filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights.


Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims

Date: April 7, 2015Length: 1.5 hours


This session addresses the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in creating a safety plan that meets the specific needs of victims in a campus environment; explores how safety planning for campus victims/survivors may differ from safety planning for domestic violence victims; and discusses strategies for protecting victim privacy, discussing emotional safety, and providing survivor-centered safety planning.


Campus Sexual Assault: Advocating Under Title IX

Date: August 7, 2014Length: 1.5 hours


This session focuses on practical advocacy strategies and tools for using Title IX to empower and seek justice for victims of sexual violence.


Know Your Title IX Rights

Date: July 24, 2014Length: 1.5 hours


This session provides an overview of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and an understanding of how Title IX protects the rights of victims of sexual violence in educational settings.
