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Access all of OVC's training resources to support SANE-SART practitioners, including standardized, face-to-face trainings, online modules, and recorded webinars.

Online Training

Access interactive training in a variety of subject areas. Programs are available to take on your own schedule, at your own pace, from your own computer.

Campus/University Victims of Sexual Assault

Length: 45 minutes


Campus/University sexual assault is, unfortunately, a serious crime that is widespread across college and university campuses all over the United States. This module provides a definition of campus sexual assault, describes barriers that victims of this crime face when seeing help, discusses laws, such as Title IX, in place to protect victims, and identifies strategies for serving victims of campus sexual assault.

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If this is your first time using OVC TTAC's Learning Management System, click the "Create an account" link to register. Watch our orientation video for step-by-step instructions and helpful tips.

Incarcerated Victims of Sexual Violence

Length: 1 hour


Incarcerated victims of sexual violence are at high risk of becoming victims again, because they may be too fearful to reach out for help or when they do, they find services specific to their needs are unavailable. They often fear experiencing further trauma and shame if they do come forward. This module defines sexual violence within correctional facilities, describes the unique aspects of sexual violence in correctional facilities, describes the risk factors for sexual violence in correctional facilities, identifies challenges or obstacles to providing victim services to incarcerated victims of sexual violence, and identifies and describes some of the practical response strategies that can be implemented to address the needs of incarcerated victims of sexual violence.

Log in and take this training now.

If this is your first time using OVC TTAC's Learning Management System, click the "Create an account" link to register. Watch our orientation video for step-by-step instructions and helpful tips.

Sexual Assault

Length: 45 minutes


The Sexual Assault module includes information related to sexual assault and sexual violence. It includes definitions of the terms sexual violence and sexual assault; information about the victim service provider's role in relation to others working as part of a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), including differentiating the roles of victim service providers, SART, and other members of the SART; methods to assess the physical and psychological impact of sexual assault; information about the potential impact of sexual assault on various populations; and strategies to respond appropriately to victims of sexual assault.

Log in and take this training now.

If this is your first time using OVC TTAC's Learning Management System, click the "Create an account" link to register. Watch our orientation video for step-by-step instructions and helpful tips.