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SANE Program Development and Operation Guide
SANE Guide icon
OVC, in collaboration with the International Association of Forensic Nurses and a diverse group of federal partners and subject matter experts in the field, revised and enhanced the Guide and transformed it into a web-based, interactive, comprehensive tool to bring the latest findings and best practices to the field. The original Guide served as a blueprint for hundreds of communities to develop local SANE programs, and OVC anticipates that this updated, web-based Guide will continue to serve as a practical, research-based, trauma-informed source for developing new SANE programs and enhancing and sustaining existing programs across the country.

Key Partners

International Association of Forensic Nurses icon
International Association of Forensic Nurses
The International Association of Forensic Nurse's (IAFN) mission is to promote leadership in forensic nursing practice by developing, promoting, and disseminating information and education internationally. IAFN offers board certifications, continuing education, networking, and educational guidelines. IAFN also administers the SAFEta Project, which provides targeted training and technical assistance related to the National Protocol for Sexual Abuse Medical Forensic Examinations—Adults/Adolescents, the KIDSta Project, which provides training and technical assistance related to the National Pediatric Protocol, and the Tribal Forensic Healthcare project, which provides training for the Indian Health Service.
American College of Emergency Physicians icon
American College of Emergency Physicians
Promotes the highest quality of emergency care and is the leading advocate for emergency physicians, their patients, and the public.

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2018 COMMUNICATOR AWARDS DISTINCTION: Websites - General-Health Care Services 2018 COMMUNICATOR AWARDS DISTINCTION: Video-Documentary - Series for Online Video Telly Awards 2017 Bronze Winner Badge