Resources: 4.1 Using a Trauma-Informed Approach

  • SAMHSA's Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach [PDF 453KB]:: This paper provides guidance on developing a trauma-informed approach within justice systems.
  • Systemic Self-Regulation: A Framework for Trauma-Informed Services in Residential Juvenile Justice Programs (2013) [PDF 260MB]: Most youth detained in juvenile justice facilities have extensive histories of exposure to psychological trauma. This resource provides an overview of the barriers to successful provision of mental health services for youths in juvenile justice facilities, including those involving youth, parents, and juvenile justice residential facility staff and administrators.
  • Utilizing Trauma-Informed Approaches to Human Trafficking Related Work (2014): Project REACH developed this useful chart with tips on how to understand victim behavior, case scenarios, and how to utilize trauma-informed approaches.
  • Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services Special Collection (April 2013) Building on more than 20 years of work, the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (NCDVTMH) put into practice a framework that integrates a trauma-informed approach with a DV victim advocacy lens. This three-part Special Collection, developed by NCDVTMH in collaboration with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), brings together the resources on trauma and trauma-informed work that are most relevant to domestic violence programs and advocates, along with commentary from NCDVTMH to assist in putting this information into practice.
  • Is your work Trauma-Informed? A Self-Assessment Tool (Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force, Klinic Community Health Center, No Date) [PDF 512KB]: This tool is for providers and advocates to evaluate their own practices and understanding of how trauma affects individuals seeking services. The assessment can be completed in one sitting and provides an action plan to assist individuals and organizations in developing a customized training and technical assistance plan. The assessment should be completed by all staff within the agency, in order to assist agencies in their efforts to incorporate trauma-informed work in every part of their organization's services and practices.
  • Considerations for Victim-Centered Presentations (2019) [PDF 330KB]: The purpose of this document is to provide tips and guidance to ensure that the language, terms, and images used in presentations are victim centered and survivor- and trauma-informed.