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Advanced Trainer Institute

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) will be offered for this training.

Great communicators know how to connect with their audience and how to capture and hold attention. They are skilled at convincing audience members of the need to understand the message, believe what they say, and take appropriate action. To present and facilitate, you must know how to communicate well. In this training, you will refine and perfect your communication skills to become an effective trainer.

Audience: This training is designed for victim service professionals who give presentations or provide trainings and would like to take their skills to the next level.

  • Week 1: Presentation Preparation
    • Identify five common principles of adult learning.
    • Describe adult learning styles.
    • Describe the variables affecting adult learning.
    • Identify one or more training goals.
    • Write SMART learning objectives.
    • Divide and sequence content for a logical flow.
    • Create activities that engage participants.
  • Week 2: Presentation Skills
    • Describe how to deliver an effective presentation.
    • Examine audience reaction and make adjustments as necessary.
    • Create a plan for handling questions and providing appropriate answers.
    • Describe techniques for overcoming nervousness.
  • Week 3: Facilitation Skills
    • Distinguish between presenting and facilitating.
    • Describe the responsibilities of a facilitator during training.
    • Distinguish among content, process, and relationship facilitation.
    • Describe effective co-facilitation skills.
    • Describe how to effectively co-facilitate activities.
  • Week 4: Facilitating Online Training
    • Explain the differences between online and in-person training.
    • Describe the basic strategies for facilitating synchronous and asynchronous online training.
    • Discuss techniques to include in an online facilitation plan.
  • Week 5: Presenting and Facilitating with Understanding
    • Discuss different experiences and backgrounds.
    • Explore how different experiences shape perspectives and behaviors.
    • Recognize and describe typical subtle assumptions and their consequences.
    • Discuss the significance of understanding different perspectives.
    • Discuss strategies for fostering an environment of mutual respect and continuous learning in a training setting.
    • Evaluate presentation skills.