Course materials on a variety of topics, including reading lists, slides, class exercises, and sample assignments, and electronic and media presentations.
Providing Care and Support for Victims of Crime
To provide college students with a foundation on how to be present for and provide resources to people in their lives who are victimized by crime, including those who share their campus environment.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 136KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 838KB | PDF 861KB]
- Exercises and Assignments [PDF 381KB | MS Word 146KB]
- CPR Card [PDF 84KB | MS Word 36KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
The Impact of Victimization
To provide college students with a basic overview of the impact of criminal victimization and the importance of understanding the essential elements of types of harm and the types of reactions victims may experience as well as how victim impact may vary for different types of offenses and also from one victim to the next.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 121KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 809KB | PDF 776KB]
- Reading: The Impact of Criminal Victimization [PDF 64KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
Responding to Victims of Crime: Basics for Interns
To provide college students with an introduction to basic skills for interacting with victims of crime in an internship or field placement setting.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 179KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 856KB | PDF 832KB]
- Assignments [PDF 79KB | MS Word 96KB]
- Reading: Victim Impact Statement for Jane Mosher-Buyno [PDF 19KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
The Nature and Extent of Criminal Victimization
To provide college students with an overview of the nature and extent of criminal victimization.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 154KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 876KB | PDF 819KB]
- Reading: The Nature and Extent of Criminal Victimization [PDF 148KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
Victims and the Police: A Victim's Journey Through the Criminal Justice System
To provide college students with an overview of the relationship between law enforcement and victims in the crime reporting process.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 106KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 896KB | PDF 816KB]
- Reading: A Victim's Journey Through the Criminal Justice System: Reporting to and Interacting With the Police [PDF 118KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
Victims and the Public Prosecutor: A Victim's Journey Through the Criminal Court System
To provide college students with an overview of the official relationship between the public prosecutor and a victim and the victim's role in the processing of a case through the criminal court system.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 85KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 840KB | PDF 788KB]
- Reading: Dealing With the Prosecutor and the Court System [PDF 82KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
Who is a Victim of Crime?
To provide college students with a description of who may be considered a victim of crime, primary and secondary victims, and the types of harm victims may experience.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 46KB]
- PowerPoint [PPT 860KB | PDF 717KB]
- Reading: Who is a Victim of Crime? [PDF 57KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
Victim Awareness: Reading, Analyzing, and Writing Victim Impact Statements
To teach college students in a creative way how crime impacts victims and how victims may respond.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 64KB]
- Readings:
- Victim Impact Statement for Jane Mosher-Buyno [PDF 544KB]
- MADDvocate — "A Healing Impact" [PDF 1,980KB]
- MADDvocate — "I Knew Before I Was Told" [PDF 957KB]
- MADDvocate — "Shattering of the Soul" [PDF 735KB]
- MADDvocate — "Trial and Consequences" [PDF 946KB]
- Madoff Victim Impact Statements — Ronnie Sue & Dominic Ambrosino [PDF 53KB]
- Madoff Victim Impact Statements — Norma Hill [PDF 69KB]
- Madoff Victim Impact Statements — Carla Hirschhorn [PDF 73KB]
- Madoff Victim Impact Statements — Caren Low [PDF 39KB]
- The Penn Stater — "Remembering Michael" [PDF 170KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB | MS Word 62KB]
Addressing the Needs of Crime Victims in Medical Practice
To provide medical students and residents with current, cutting-edge, practical knowledge and skill development regarding victim assistance to children who have been maltreated, sexually abused, physically abused, and/or have witnessed domestic or community violence.
- Instructor's Guide [PDF 61KB]
- PowerPoint Medical Students [PPT 843KB | PDF 760KB]
- PowerPoint Residents [PPT 966KB | PDF 858KB]
- Handouts 1-4 [PDF 135KB]
- Handouts 5-9 and Resource Card Sample [PDF 620KB]
- Handout: National Resources [PDF 17KB] | MS Word 62KB]
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These materials were largely excerpted from materials prepared by the University of Massachusetts/Lowell under grant number 2009-VF-GX-K006, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice and are used here by (insert name of person, company, agency or University) with acknowledgement to the University of Massachusetts/Lowell and the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in the materials are those of the University of Massachusetts/Lowell and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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