One of the most important set of skills for a trainer or other presenter is facilitation skills. These skills allow you to guide and shape lively and topical discussions during a training or event.
The seven brief, narrated Facilitation Skills modules will assist you in developing these critical facilitation skills.
Module 1: What is Facilitation?
Summary: You will learn the differences between presenting and facilitating, a facilitator's responsibilities, and the different types of facilitation.
Module 2: Leading a Training
Summary: You will learn about these specific skills for leading a training:
- Opening and closing, and respecting time limits.
- Guiding participants to achievable objectives.
- Modeling professionalism and good facilitation techniques.
- Maintaining the integrity of the curriculum.
- Demonstrating competency.
- Setting ground rules.
Module 3: Listening, Questioning, and Validating
Summary: You will learn how to skillfully listen to participants' questions and comments, constructively pose questions to further learning, and validate discussions and conclusions to effectively facilitate an event.
Module 4: Engaging Participants
Summary: You will learn techniques to actively engage participants in discussions and activities.
Module 5: Building Consensus and Resolving Conflicts
Summary: You will learn techniques to creatively build consensus and resolve conflicts when they arise during an event you are facilitating.
Module 6: Facilitating Activities
Summary: You will learn specific actions to take to set up a learning activity, highlight learning points, and encourage participants to apply learning from the activity.
Module 7: Debriefing and Summarizing
Summary: You will learn how to debrief information at the end of a discussion or activity to allow participants to realize what they have learned and how they can apply their learning.